• symphony

    Edition 108

  • jublient


Code Of Conduct

Know the Right Way

A number of studies and research prove that a culture of ethical behaviour is essential to business success. Alternate routes might yield quick results and save time but are detrimental in the longer run. There are instances where employees are unaware of the right way to conduct themselves or the right step to take in a particular situation. While their intentions are un-harming, lack of a known framework to refer to, in situations like these can be damaging both for the employee and the Company reputation. Our Code provides a framework for all employees to refer to in difficult situations.

Few such circumstances that require right action from employees include:

  • Informing the IC committee immediately about a probable case of sexual harassment which they are approached with, instead of resolving the grievance at a personal or professional level from their end
  • Reporting on to the whistle blower platform cases of corruption like kick-backs, bribes etc
  • Reporting on to whistle blower platform cases of fraud like syphoning of Company money, misusing funds etc
  • Bringing to the attention of the concerned HR or Business Head their own experiences of harassment if any Our policies protect the identity of the whistle-blower and ensure anonymity in all POSH cases. Disciplinary action is taken wherever required. Communication on educating the employees on the various provisions of our Code is circulated amongst employees regularly so that they are aware of the right procedure and framework.